Tuesday, July 01, 2008

LATEST! Move to refer Gobind to Rights and Privileges Committee fails

V.Vasudevan and Eileen Ng


An attempt to refer Gobind Singh Deo (DAP-Puchong) to the Rights and Privileges commitee has failed on the grounds that the wrong standing order was used by backbenchers.

Backbenchers are expected to try and refer the fiery Dap member under another standing order either later in the day or tommorrow.

The attempt to refer Gobind to the Right and Privileges, the committee which disciplines members for any wrong doing, was made by Razali Ibrahim (BN-Muar).

However, it was deemed flawed by deputy speaker, Datuk Ronald Kiandee.

"I am afraid that is the wrong standing order. The House will now have to move to the next matter," he said.
The House spent 30 minutes to discuss the matter after Ibrahim Ali (Independent) demanded an explanation from speaker, Tan Sri Pandikar Amin Mulia, if he was tellilng the truth about his meeting with Gobind yesterday.

"You said he apologised but he said otherwise. Can we know what happened? Reading the newspapers, the impression I get is that your are a liar," Ibrahim told Pandikar Amin.

Puad Zakarshi (BN-Batu Pahat) said the best way to solve the problem would be to ask Gobind what had transpired.

At this point, Pandikar Amin said any discussion on what transpired with him would have to be done after he was not in the chair and when deputy Ronald Kiandee took over.

Gobind then gave his take on the meeting.

"I went in. I said sorry to trouble you. Is that not polite conversation. I never said sorry for what happened in the Dewan. I said (to the press) the meeting was cordial.

"I stressed now and here that I never did anything wrong. There is no reason for me to say sorry. I have a lot of regard for him (the speaker). Is it clear to you (looking at Batu Pahat).

Ronald then told the House it was up to members to decide what had to be done next.

That is when Razali made the attempt to refer Gobind to the Rights and Privileges committee.

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