Ekmal Yusof Fri | May 30, 08 | 12:26:21 pm MYT | |
KUALA KANGSAR, 30 Mei (Hrkh) - Kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat Negeri Perak meluluskan sumbangan sebanyak RM1 juta kepada 5,000 orang miskin tegar bagi membantu saraan hidup mereka menghadapi krisis kenaikan harga bahan bakar dan barang-barang keperluan lain. "Pakatan Rakyat bersetuju memberikan bantuan kepada setiap keluarga daripada semua kaum yang benar-benar dikenal pasti miskin tegar oleh penghulu dan ketua kampung di tempat masing-masing iaitu 30 kilo beras, lima kilo gula, dua kilo minyak masak dan wang tunai sebanyak RM100.00,� kata Menteri Besar Perak, Dato' Seri Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin dalam ucapan balas di majlis Taklimat Pembangunan Daerah, Bilek Gerakan Pejabat Daerah Dan Tanah disini sempena lawatan kerjanya sehari semalam. Katanya, beliau mengaku bahawa nilai bantuan kilat sebanyak itu adalah terlalu kecil dibandingkan dengan penderitaan yang ditanggung oleh mereka. Walau bagaimanapun buat sementara, beliau begitu berpuas hati kerana setakat itulah sahaja dapat disumbangkan kepada mereka yang memerlukan bantuan. "Itulah yang termampu dibuat oleh Kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat buat sementara ini sebagai sumbangan kilat. Bantuan seterusnya bergantung kepada keadaan ekonomi serta kekuatan politik kerajaan ini. Jika rezki berlimpah ruah, Insya-Allah akan ditambah," ujarnya. Sebelum itu beliau yang diiringi Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri, Dato' Dr Abdul Rahman Hashim dan Ahlii Exco Perak telah diberi Taklimat Pembangunan oleh Pegawai Daerah, Dato� Razali Jalal. Seterusnya, Dato' Seri Mohammad Nizar mengimbaskan kembali kepada suatu peristewa di zaman BN memerentah Perak di mana seorang ibu tunggal miskin tegar yang menjaga seorang anak lelaki kurang upaya tegar hanya mendapat bantuan RM150.00 sekali dalam setahun iaitu dari Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat dan Pejabat Agama (Zakat) Daerah. Untuk menampung pendapatanya ibu tua itu terpaksa menoreh getah orang sepanjang tahun. Justeru, beliau berharap sunguh-sungguh serta meletakkan kepercayaan kepada pegawai-pegawai, penghulu dan ketua kampung yang baru dipilih rakyat supaya tidak mengabaikan tanggong jawab mereka membantu dan berusaha membasmikan kemiskinan tanpa pilih warna kerana mereka juga perlu makan untuk hidup. - mns |
Friday, May 30, 2008
Peruntukan segera RM1 juta bantu 5,000 rakyat miskin tegar
Anwar mahu bertanding pilihan raya segera
Harakahdaily Sat | May 31, 08 | 10:03:49 am MYT | |
KUALA LUMPUR, 31 Mei (Hrkh) - Penasihat Parti KeADILan Rakyat (KeADILan), Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim, berkata beliau akan bertanding bagi kerusi Parlimen 'dengan segera' sebaik-baik sahaja kelayakan beliau untuk berbuat demikian disahkan pihak berkuasa. "Jika saya sudah benarbenar pasti tentang kelayakan saya, saya akan memilih untuk berbuat demikian seberapa segera,' kata beliau semasa diwawancara oleh Bloomberg Television semalam yang dipetik oleh KLpos. Anwar berkata beliau belum lagi menerima pengesahan rasmi bahawa beliau layak memegang jawatan awam selepas menjalani hukuman penjara atas tuduhan rasuah yang hingga kini dinafikan beliau. Anwar, 60, berulang kali mendakwa bahawa pakatan tiga parti pembangkangnya telah mendapat 30 anggota parti campuran Barisan Nasional (BN) pimpinan Perdana Menteri Malaysia, Dato' Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, yang telah belot dan menyertai pakatan pembangkang untuk membolehkan beliau mengambil alih kuasa. Beliau juga berkata beliau akan berbincang dengan rakan-rakannya mengenai siapakah yang akan menjadi Timbalan Perdana Menterinya dalam pentadbiran yang bakal beliau pimpin. "Isunya sekarang ialah untuk memastikan adanya peralihan kuasa yang licin, menurut peruntukan perlembagaan," kata Anwar. KeADILan yang dipimpin beliau, DAP dan PAS menguasai lima daripada 13 negeri di Malaysia dalam pilihan raya umum 8 Mac lalu - prestasi terbaik pembangkang sejak Malaysia merdeka daripada Britain pada 1957. Mengenai subsidi minyak, Anwar berkata Malaysia boleh mengurangkan cukai petrolnya untuk menurunkan harga minyak, serta membangunkan sistem subsidi yang boleh membawa manfaat kepada penduduk miskin dan bukan mereka yang bergaji RM5,000 atau RM10,000 sebulan. - mks. |
Hanya segelintir Yang Berhormat peka suara rakyat
PADA pilihan raya umum 13 Mac lalu, rakyat telah memberikan amanah kepada 222 wakil rakyat untuk menyuarakan nasib dan masalah mereka di Dewan Rakyat.
Sama ada kerana yakin atau terpengaruh dengan janji yang ditaburkan, rakyat juga rela memberi undi kepada wakil-wakil rakyat muda untuk memperjuangkan nasib mereka.
Sehubungan itu juga Mesyuarat Pertama, Penggal Pertama, Parlimen Kedua Belas dari 28 April hingga 29 Mei dinanti-nanti oleh semua pihak.
Selain kehadiran anggota pembangkang yang lebih ramai iaitu 82 orang berbanding Barisan Nasional 140, tumpuan juga sudah tentu kepada 99 muka baru.
Termasuk di kalangan muka baru itu ialah mereka yang lantang dalam pertubuhan bukan kerajaan (NGO), aktivis sosial dan masyarakat yang sebelum ini sering turun berdemonstrasi di jalan-jalan raya di ibu negara.
Malah ada di kalangan mereka itu sebelum ini pernah 'menyerbu' Parlimen untuk membuat bantahan atas alasan memperjuangkan nasib rakyat.
Tetapi selepas mesyuarat pertama bersidang selama 18 hari, harapan untuk melihat muka baru tetapi mempunyai nama besar untuk menonjol sama ada di pihak BN mahupun pembangkang tidak menjadi kenyataan.
Di pihak BN, muka-muka lama terus menguasai perbahasan pada sesi persidangan dengan sekali sekala dicelahi oleh YB baru.
Malah Kelab Ahli Parlimen BN (BNBBC) juga terus bergantung kepada orang lama seperti Dr. Mohd. Fuad Zarkashi (BN-Batu Pahat) yang sentiasa bangun menyuarakan pandangan selain berhujah dengan wakil rakyat pembangkang.
Mereka yang lantang berbahas dan mencelah masih muka lama seperti Razali Ibrahim (BN-Muar), Hamim Samuri (BN-Ledang) dan Datuk Tajuddin Abdul Rahman (BN-Pasir Salak) selain wakil rakyat dari Sabah seperti Datuk Ghafur Salleh (BN-Kalabakan).
Datuk Mohamad Aziz (BN-Sri Gading) walaupun lebih senyap pada sesi kali ini, namun penampilannya yang sekali-sekala itu masih berkesan.
Perkara yang serupa juga berlaku di barisan pembangkang kerana asyik muka lama sahaja yang bangun untuk berhujah.
Apa sudah jadi dengan aktivis sosial, pemimpin pertubuhan bukan kerajaan (NGO), penulis blog terkenal dan tokoh-tokoh muda yang dikatakan bakal memberi nafas baru kepada pembangkang.
Nama-sama seperti Ooi Chuan Aun atau Jeff Ooi (DAP-Jelutung), Sivarasa Rasiah (PKR-Subang), Tian Chua (DAP-Batu) dan Gobind Singh Deo (DAP-Puchong) tidak lantang seperti di luar dewan. Begitu juga dengan Gwo-Burne Loh (DAP-Kelana Jaya) danl Nurul Izzah Anwar yang lebih banyak mendapat perhatian media ketika di luar dewan berbanding perbahasan.
Ada antara mereka mungkin kerana kerjaya lebih penting daripada membawa amanah rakyat di Parlimen selalu muncul di akhir-akhir sesi persidangan dan sering ketinggalan isu yang dibahaskan.
Isu rakyat tidak banyak disentuh oleh mereka kerana masing-masing lebih memberi tumpuan kepada perkara-perkara sensasi yang dapat menonjolkan diri walaupun ia tidak ada kena mengena dengan masalah penduduk di kawasan mereka.
Selain itu, ada ahli-ahli Parlimen terutama di kalangan pembangkang tidak bangun mengambil bahagian dalam perbahasan kerana tidak fasih berbahasa kebangsaan.
Malah pada hari terakhir persidangan Khamis lalu seorang ahli Parlimen DAP menghabiskan masa kira-kira lima minit untuk mengorek hidung sahaja.
Apa pun muka-muka lama di kalangan pembangkang masih berkesan seperti Sallehuddin Ayub (Pas-Kubang Kerian), Lim Kit Siang (DAP-Ipos Timur), Dr. Tan Seng Giaw (DAP-Kepong) selain beberapa wakil rakyat wanita mereka.
Namun ramai bersetuju antara yang paling menonjol pada persidangan Parlimen kali ini ialah Mohamed Azmin Ali (PKR-Gombak) yang sentiasa konsisten dengan hujahnya dan N. Gobalakrishnan (PKR-Padang Serai) kerana sering mendapat tumpuan di sebalik pelbagai kontroversi dicetuskan.
Mukhriz: Peralihan kuasa perlu segera demi pulih parti
KUALA LUMPUR: Datuk Mukhriz Mahathir, yang lantang mengkritik Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi sejak pilihan raya umum ke-12, menemui Datuk Seri Mohd. Najib Tun Razak dua minggu lalu untuk merayu agar beliau "melakukan sesuatu bagi mempercepatkan peralihan tampuk kepimpinan dengan segera."
Mukhriz mengakui telah menemui Najib untuk menyampaikan pendiriannya itu pada 15 Mei lalu, empat hari sebelum ayahnya, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad mengumumkan keluar Umno di Alor Star.
"Ada perjumpaan dengan beliau (Najib). Itulah, saya terangkan pendirian saya. Beliau kata beliau faham, saya pun merayu kepada beliau melakukan sesuatu.
"Tetapi nampaknya setakat itu sahaja. Masih belum nampak apa-apa lagi," kata beliau yang juga Exco Pemuda Umno ketika ditemui di sini, baru-baru ini.
Mukhriz, Ahli Parlimen Jerlun menjelaskan, beliau telah merayu kepada Najib agar berbincang dengan Abdullah untuk membincangkan peralihan kuasa dengan segera - sebelum mesyuarat cawangan dan bahagian.
Pada pertengahan bulan lalu, Abdullah yang memegang jawatan Perdana Menteri dan Presiden Umno sejak 2003 berkata, beliau akan tetap mempertahankan jawatannya pada pemilihan parti Disember ini.
Perdana Menteri turut menjelaskan, hanya selepas pemilihan itu, beliau akan berbincang dengan Najib berkaitan hal-hal peralihan kuasa.
"Mungkin beliau rasa satu tahun, dua tahun boleh lagi. Bagi saya, satu, dua tahun bermakna kita cuma ada dua atau tiga tahun untuk membuat kerja-kerja menawan balik negeri-negeri yang tewas," kata Mukhriz yang memutuskan untuk kekal dalam Umno walaupun Dr. Mahathir memutuskan untuk keluar Umno kerana kecewa dengan senario politik dalam parti.
Mukhriz juga telah menawarkan diri untuk bertanding jawatan Ketua Pemuda Umno.
Dalam pertemuan itu, beliau yang turut ditanya mengenai tindakannya terus mendesak Abdullah melepaskan jawatan parti dan kerajaan dengan segera, Mukhriz menjelaskan, beliau tidak mahu Abdullah diaibkan dengan kemungkinan kekalahan dalam pemilihan Umno Disember ini.
"Tidak pernah berlaku dalam parti, dalam sejarah Umno ini, presiden yang menyandang jawatan itu kalah dalam pemilihan.
"Jadi, saya khuatir itu akan berlaku sekiranya Abdullah cuba untuk mempertahankan jawatannya sebagai presiden. Misalnya Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah (Ketua Umno Bahagian Gua Musang) mahupun sesiapa melawan beliau untuk jawatan presiden.
"Jika presiden yang menyandang kalah dalam pemilihan, ia merupakan keputusan yang mengaibkan," kata beliau yang seolah-olah memberikan alternatif kepada Abdullah agar mengelak daripada 'kekecewaan' seterusnya.
Sama ada beliau ingin menyelamatkan Abdullah daripada kemungkinan tersebut dengan memberi alternatif, Mukhriz menjelaskan:
"Cuba kita bayangkan, keyakinan orang terhadap Umno, sokongan terhadap Umno sekarang. Sudah kalah lima negeri dalam pilihan raya, majoriti Abdullah sendiri pun menurun.
"Jika dalam pemilihan Umno kalah lagi, sudah tentu mengaibkan individu tersebut dan ada kesannya kepada parti.
"Jadi, saya rasa kalau boleh jawatan presiden parti itu, ada peralihan kuasa sebelum kita mulakan mesyuarat cawangan (Julai ini)."
Komen berhubung gesaan Badan Perhubungan Umno Kedah agar Mukhriz henti kritik kepimpinan Umno?:
Pengerusi Badan Perhubungan Negeri (Datuk Seri Mahdzir Khalid) pun dilantik oleh Perdana Menteri (Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi). Apa yang kita boleh harapkan daripada beliau (Datuk Mahdzir). Setakat ini, kenyataan-kenyataan yang dikeluarkan hanya daripada mereka yang dilantik termasuk Pengerusi Badan Perhubungan Negeri Kedah, yang kedudukan beliau sendiri pun, di peringkat negeri, sebagai bekas Menteri Besar yang mengakibatkan negeri (Kedah) kalah, dilantik memegang jawatan tersebut. Walhal semasa Tan Sri Sanusi Junid (Menteri Besar) dulu, walaupun tidak kalah negeri, tetapi disebabkan kalah banyak kerusi Dewan Undangan Negeri, beliau dengan rela meletakkan jawatan sebagai Menteri Besar.
Wajarkah Mahdzir Khalid berundur?:
Ini bukan saya yang berkata. Tetapi kalau kita dengar apa yang telah disebutkan dalam mesyuarat Badan Perhubungan Negeri dengan Jawatankuasa Pengurusan, yang dihadiri oleh Datuk Seri Mohd. Najib Tun Razak (Timbalan Presiden), Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin (Naib Presiden) dan Datuk Seri Rafidah Aziz (Ketua Wanita) dan Datuk Noraini Ahmad (Ketua Puteri), salah satu perkara yang dituntut oleh ketua-ketua bahagian Kedah ialah selepas ini biarlah Pengerusi Badan Perhubungan Negeri dilantik daripada kalangan ketua-ketua bahagian dan bukannya timbalan atau naib ketua bahagian. Saya ingat ia satu cadangan baik.
Pendirian dalam isu mengecam kepimpinan parti?:
Sudah tentu saya bukan hipokrit. Apabila saya bercakap, saya konsisten sepanjang masa. Itu yang penting. Kalau saya diberi peluang untuk memberi penjelasan kepada peringkat (Jawatankuasa) Pengurusan, apa yang saya bercakap dan kenapa saya bercakap, jadi itu yang saya akan sampaikan kepada pihak pengurusan, kalau ditanya.
Apakah kesudahan pendirian Mukhriz dalam mengecam Abdullah selepas ini?:
Kalau Abdullah tidak mengalah, contohnya, beliau tidak mahu berundur, maka Umno akan berhadapan dengan satu masalah yang besar, satu dalam pemilihan kali ini dan seterusnya yang lebih penting dalam pilihan raya akan datang. Jadi, kalau boleh kita memerlukan masa yang panjang untuk bersiap sedia menghadapi pilihan raya umum akan datang. Jadi, kalau mengatakan masih ada empat tahun, empat tahun lah kita mahu untuk memulihkan parti. Jadi jangan dilewatkan lagi.
Mengenai pembaharuan diumumkan oleh Abdullah sejak pilihan raya umum ke-12?:
Bermaksud merealisasikan manifesto pembangkang? (Secara berseloroh). Saya ingat itu tidak membantu langsung manifesto kita. Manifesto BN belum lagi dikotakan. Apa yang kita janjikan dalam manifesto belum dikotakan. Saya pun rasa agak pelik apabila Yang Berhormat Senator Datuk Mohd Zaid Ibrahim (Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri) berkata, perkara-perkara yang dilaksanakan sekarang ini sebenarnya telah disebutkan dalam manifesto pilihan raya tahun 2004. Jadi, apa yang kita buat selama ini. Sekarang ini baru hendak dibangkitkan. Bila pembangkang membangkitkan, baru kita hendak melakukan. Jadi, mahu tidak mahu, saya terpaksa berfikir bahawa ada agenda lain.
Setakat saya melihat, setakat ini, macam itu. Kita tidak memimpin. Kalau kita mengatakan bahawa kita masih berkuasa, kononnya kan, kita pegang kuasa, tapi kita asyik menari ikut rentak pembangkang. Jadi apa gunanya kita berkuasa. Kalau sayalah, buat apa hendak mempedulikan pembangkang. Laksanakan sahaja apa yang kita hendak melaksanakan. Setakat ini, suruhanjaya kehakiman, agensi pencegahan rasuah, mungkin itu penting, tetapi bukankah patut kita mengotakan janji yang kita buat semasa pilihan raya, dalam manifesto BN. Ini pula kita membantu pembangkang merealisasikan apa yang mereka sebutkan dalam manifesto mereka. Itu yang saya rasa agak pelik.
Konsisten dengan pendirian mengecam kepimpinan?
Sudah tentu. Dan, walaupun kita tidak mendengar kenyataan daripada pihak-pihak lain seperti yang dilakukan oleh akhbar dan sebagainya, tetapi bila saya bergerak (ke seluruh negara sejak kebelakangan ini), begitu ramai sekali pemimpin akar umbi dalam Umno, yang bersependapat dengan saya dalam hal ini bahawa kita tiada masa untuk memulihkan Umno dan kita berharap peralihan kuasa yang dituntut itu akan berlaku pada kadar yang segera.
Adakah tindakan Mukhriz hanya gimik publisiti?:
Sudah tentu saya tidak mahu tinggalkan parti. Saya sendiri sudah menekankan bahawa saya akan kekal dalam parti dan pada waktu yang sama, saya berpegang pada hak saya untuk bersuara. Jadi sampai sekarang ini pun saya tidak fikir bahawa apa yang diperkatakan ini, memberi alasan kepada mana-mana pihak berkenaan untuk memecat atau mengambil tindakan disiplin terhadap saya. Setakat yang saya tahu, tidak ada peruntukan dalam perlembagaan parti, mahupun tataetika yang mengatakan bersuara hingga mengkritik presiden parti bertentangan dengan peraturan dan perlembagaan parti.
Mukhriz sanggup hadapi tindakan disiplin?:
Saya terpaksa menerima apa pun keputusan yang (jika) dibuat. Tetapi itu satu tindakan yang saya lihat tidak... kerana akan membawa mesej bukan sahaja kepada ahli-ahli Umno, tetapi seluruh rakyat Malaysia khususnya orang Melayu bahawa dalam Umno ini tiada sifat (ruang) untuk tegur-menegur. Jadi, itu saya rasa salah satu sebab ramai orang menolak Umno dalam pilihan raya (umum lalu). Dan, bila tidak boleh bercakap akhirnya orang, dalam diam-diam itu, menzahirkan rasa tidak puas hati dalam undi. Jadi, kita tidak mahu tunggu sampai itu berlaku lagi. Biarlah kita memahami dan mengawal keadaan itu daripada sekarang.
Antara peralihan kuasa dan pemilihan parti? Tiada peruntukan peralihan kuasa dalam perlembagaan Umno:
Yang pertamanya, kita memerlukan masa untuk memulihkan parti. Jangan anggap bahawa dalam masa empat tahun, dua tahun ataupun dalam satu tahun, kita boleh memulihkan parti dan menang balik dalam pilihan raya akan datang. Ini andaian yang saya ingat merbahaya. Jadi kita memerlukan masa yang panjang untuk mengembalikan keyakinan rakyat khususnya orang Melayu terhadap Umno.
Keduanya, bagi saya kita menyelesaikan masalah yang kita ada sekarang. Masalah yang kita ada sekarang ialah isu kepimpinan, maksudnya ini pun pandangan saya sendiri, sebahagian besar masalah sekarang ini adalah disebabkan oleh presiden parti sendiri. Jadi pada pandangan saya, kalau beliau mengundur dan memberi laluan kepada penggantinya, maka sebahagian besar daripada masalah kita akan sekali gus selesai. Walaupun kita kata dalam perlembagaan cuma ada pemilihan dan tiada peralihan kuasa, kita selalu ada peralihan kuasa kecuali zaman Allahyarham Tun Abdul Razak apabila beliau meninggal dunia ketika masih memegang jawatan. Yang lain, kita serah kuasa dan selepas serah kuasa, baru ada pemilihan. Itu yang selalunya kita amalkan. Saya faham bahawa dalam politik ada pemilihan. Tetapi tidak pernah berlaku dalam parti, dalam sejarah Umno ini, presiden yang menyandang jawatan itu kalah dalam pemilihan yang diadakan. Jadi saya khuatir itu akan berlaku sekiranya Abdullah cuba untuk mempertahankan jawatannya sebagai presiden. Misalnya Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah, mahupun sesiapa pun boleh melawan dia untuk jawatan presiden. Jadi jika presiden yang menyandang kalah dalam pemilihan, ia merupakan keputusan mengaibkan.
Mukhriz pula memberi alternatif kepada Abdullah?:
Cuba kita bayangkan, keyakinan orang terhadap Umno, sokongan terhadap Umno sekarang. Sudah kalah lima negeri dalam pilihan raya, majoriti Abdullah sendiri pun menurun. Jika dalam pemilihan Umno kalah lagi, sudah tentu mengaibkan individu tersebut dan ada kesannya kepada parti. Jadi, saya rasa kalau boleh jawatan presiden parti itu, ada peralihan kuasa sebelum kita memulakan mesyuarat cawangan (Julai ini). Tapi bagi jawatan lain terpulanglah kepada ahli-ahli Umno macam mana hendak lakukan.
Sekarang ini pun, preesiden parti sudah diaibkan. Dengan kehadiran Abdullah, sokongan kepada presiden parti menurun, orang tidak hormat pada Umno, dan jauh sekali hormat pada presiden. Jadi, setahu saya, ini tidak pernah berlaku walaupun saya akui ada ketikanya bila timbul masalah berhubung Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim (yang dipecat pada 1998) dan Tengku Razaleigh melawan ayanda saya (dalam pemilihan 1987 dan disusuli perpecahan dalam Umno), ada ketikanya presiden parti pun kehilangan sokongan, tetapi tidak sampai kalah pemilihan atau kalau dalam pilihan raya. Jadi itu yang kita perlu membezakan. Tetapi kali ini seolah-olah orang menidakkan apa yang telah berlaku dalam pilihan raya baru-baru ini, yang kerapkali kita sebut tetapi seolah-olah orang tidak ingat bahawa kita sudah hilang lima negeri campur satu. Di Parlimen tengoklah apa yang berlaku tiap-tiap hari. Ini yang kita bimbangkan.
Mukhriz yakin Abdullah akan kalah dalam pemilihan?:
Saya ingat banyak perkara boleh berlaku. Antaranya, kalau orang nampak dia bertanding juga maksudnya di peringkat kepimpinan tertinggi dalam parti, tiada sifat hendak dengar cakap ahli-ahli peringkat akar umbi. Maka oleh itu, mesyuarat cawangan pun (kemungkinan) tidak cukup kuorum, orang tidak hadir, benda-benda macam itu akan berlaku. Jadi sekali gus ia menunjukkan bahawa ahli Umno sudah menjauhi diri daripada parti. Sekarang ini pun kononnya cuma 1,000 orang yang keluar parti. Tetapi ahli-ahli Umno yang tidak secara rasmi keluar parti, sebaliknya dari hakikatnya sudah pun keluar daripada parti.
Mukhriz menghadapi dilema antara keluarga dan politik Umno?:
Saya tidak rasa ada dilema sebab saya tidak nampak apa yang ayah saya buat akan menghancurkan saya. Beliau sebenarnya sayang kepada parti sebagaimana saya pun sayang pada parti. Cuma pendekatan yang berbeza. Beliau memutuskan hendak memperjuangkan perkara ini di luar parti, saya hendak buat dalam parti, tapi matlamat sama saja. Jadi, saya mempersoalkan presiden parti, adakah beliau benar-benar sayang kepada parti sebab beliau dari segi politiknya, banyak pihak telah menemui dengan beliau, merayu supaya mengundurkan diri. Jadi dari segi politik sudah jelas sangat apa yang harus beliau lakukan. Jadi atas pertimbangan apa yang beliau masih mahu kekal dalam jawatan? Saya kira bukan politik lagi. Itu yang saya risau!
Langkah susulan Mukhriz?:
Saya telah berjumpa dengan ramai orang, ada yang mengeluarkan kenyataan tidak bersetuju dengan pendirian Pemuda Perak, tetapi tidak keluar dalam akhbar. Setakat ini, sambutan yang diberikan amat baik sekali. Tiada pihak yang mengatakan kepada saya jangan meneruskan usaha ini kecuali perjumpaan yang dianjurkan oleh Ketua Bahagian Jerlun.
Mukhriz berhasrat untuk menemui Abdullah?:
Tiada ada rancangan. Tetapi jika ada peluang, kalau hendak jumpa tiada masalah. Pendirian saya sudah jelas. Saya tidak akan berubah pendirian walaupun berpeluang untuk menemui Abdullah kelak.
Kemungkinan pertemuan antara Dr. Mahathir-Abdullah?:
Bagi Tun (Dr. Mahathir) saya kira, setakat ini, bukan mengatakan beliau sudah tutup pintu, tetapi kalau hendak jumpa untuk merayu atau hendak memujuk beliau mengubah pendirian, memang ia satu tindakan membuang masa.
Adakah kecaman Mukhriz 'keterlaluan'?:
Apa yang saya bawa ini satu pendekatan. Mungkin orang lain ada pendekatan lain. Orang lain pun fikir macam itu juga, maksudnya Abdullah kerana berundur dan memberi ruang kepada Najib. Jadi bila kita selesaikan barulah kita benar-benar boleh meyakinkan ahli-ahli kita dan orang Melayu dengan parti kita.
Regu semasa pemilihan Disember ini?:
Sehingga sekarang saya tidak ada gandingan dengan sesiapa. Yang itu terpulang kepada ahli-ahli Umno sendiri yang buat keputusan tentang siapa yang patut tanding.
Calon pilihan untuk jawatan presiden?:
Tapi kalau tanya siapa pilihan saya, saya kata Najib. Tapi saya sendiri tidak jamin yang Najib sendiri akan merestui kehendak saya atau merestui hajat saya untuk bertanding Ketua Pemuda. Itu terpulang kepada beliau.
Kalau ahli-ahli Umno memutuskan untuk memilih Tengku Razaleigh sebagai Presiden, kita akur kepada kehendak ahli-ahli Umno. Bagi saya asalkan Abdullah tidak jadi presiden lagi.
Jika Datuk Seri Hishammudin Tun Hussein kekal Ketua Pemuda?:
Setahu saya beliau sudah mengumumkan beliau tidak akan mempertahankan jawatan Ketua Pemuda dan akan bertanding jawatan sekurang-kurangnya setaraf dengan Ketua Pemuda. Kalau begitu maksudnya jawatan Naib Presiden. Macam saya katakan dulu, jika beliau kekal mahu mempertahankan jawatan Ketua Pemuda, saya tidak akan langgar (menentang) beliau. Saya mungkin bertanding jawatan lain. Bagaimanapun saya pun kena dengar juga pandangan ahli-ahli Umno.
Perak: What was RM8mil used for?
Saturday May 31, 2008
State senior executive council member Datuk Ngeh Koo Ham said the Pakatan Rakyat government was shocked at the way the fund, meant for small projects, had been spent before or during the March 8 general election campaign period.
The fund, he said, was made up of a RM75,000 allocation to each Barisan assemblyman with an additional RM100,000 given to each state exco member.
“The people are suspicious that it was spent on the election campaign.
“We are not accusing them yet but we want them to clarify,” Ngeh told a press conference yesterday.
“I want (former Perak MB Datuk Seri Mohamad) Tajol Rosli (Ghazali) and other former exco members, who are now assemblymen, to clarify the matter in order to be fair to the people,” he said.
Urging the previous government to itemise the expenditure, Ngeh said: “This is a clear case of bad management.
“The allocation is intended for the whole year but spent within two months. Has it been spent for political purposes?”
Thepreviousgovernment should immediately write to the state or announce the matter in the media so that the people could verify the expenditure, he said.
State Education, Local Government Housing and Public Transport Committee chairman Nga Kor Ming, who was also present at the media briefing said:
“This is extraordinary and we are suspicious. The people have the right to know.”
Asked if there were any statements or receipts in the government’s record on the RM8mil, Nga said:
“Let them show first. They’ve spent the money so they must show.
“That is not a logical question. Why ask us to show?” he asked.
Exco member Zainuddin Mohd Yusof, who was also present, said the normal procedure was that the disbursement of public expenditure should be apportioned according to the time of the year.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Barisan MPs rush into Dewan
BARISAN Nasional MPs, including the Prime Minister and his deputy, rushed into the Dewan to vote on an item under the Supplementary Supply (2007) Bill 2008 when the Chair called for block voting to replace the usual method – by voice.
Deputy Finance Minister Datuk Ahmad Husni Hanadzlah had wound up the debate on allocations for statutory funds under the Bill when Deputy Speaker Datuk Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar called for a voice vote to approve the allocation.
When Wan Junaidi held that the allocation was approved, several Opposition MPs stood to complain that the voices of those who rejected the item were louder than those who agreed.
“It doesn’t matter if there are louder voices or not. We cannot accept this result,” Zuraida Kamaruddin (PKR – Ampang) said.
Tian Chua (PKR – Batu) agreed, saying that there was hardly any difference in the voices.
Wan Junaidi replied that a voice vote was acceptable in Parliament and that there was no need for further debate on the matter.
However, the Opposition MPs, who were still unhappy, urged Wan Junaidi to make a ruling.
The Deputy Speaker then said that at least 15 MPs must be in the Dewan to support the move for a division of votes, to which more than 20 Opposition MPs stood up.
The bell then rang and MPs rushed into the Chambers. The counting of votes was then called.
Minister in charge of parliamentary affairs Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz was seen outside calling the Barisan MPs, who were in the lobby, to enter the House.
After Wan Junaidi closed the counting process, Education Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein walked in with his briefcase amid shouts from the Opposition MPs, booing him with remarks of “sudah tutup” (voting closed) while the votes were being tallied.
Wan Junaidi then announced that the number of those who agreed to pass part of the Bill was 92 votes while 60 disagreed. There was one abstention.
For whom the bell tolls
Ministers and other MPs rushed into the Dewan when quorum was called for a block voting.
Some Opposition MPs, who had been talking to the press in the lobby, also quickly made their way in.
Jaws dropped as Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, accompanied by his retinue of bodyguards, strode quickly from his office in the Parliament tower towards the Dewan.
He was followed by his deputy Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak about five minutes later.
The block voting, on an item in the Supplementary Supply Bill, saw it being passed at 92 votes with 60 against. One person did not vote.
Health Minister Datuk Liow Tiong Lai said he was in Dewan Negara waiting for a question on his portfolio to be fielded when he heard the bell.
“I had to rush out. I have to divide my time between the two Houses and I have overlapping duties. The Opposition should not do this,” he said.
At the Parliament lobby, PKR chief whip Azmin Ali said the voting was a moral victory for the Opposition.
“It is the first time you see the Prime Minister running into the Dewan,” said Azmin, adding that there were only about 10 Barisan MPs in the Dewan when the block voting was called.

Who cares if Anwar can be trusted?
May 28, 08 8:47am
Whether that is going to be a mistake or not, I think, at this time, the people may just want to take a gamble and let popularity decide the winner - which may or may not be the right choice.'
Peter Yew: Under the current political climate and the choices available to us plus the disappointment we experienced over the past 25 years, do you think we really care if Anwar can be trusted?
I think all we want is to have a change of government, any government. I think the people are tired of BN’s style of running the country and are willing to give Pakatan a chance. Whether that is going to be a mistake or not, I think, at this time, the people may just want to take a gamble and let popularity decide the winner which may or may not be the right choice.
Anu N: I refer in particular to this paragraph: ‘And what if he reneges on his promises – promises that have been widely-publicised domestically and internationally? Think of it this way. If Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi could suffer so badly politically in such a short span of time because of his failure to keep his promises of reform, imagine how much more Anwar would suffer if he didn't live up to expectations.’
I think a salient point missing from the discourse is that we no longer live in a climate of political fear. Many of us have grown up with drummed-in fears of a repeat 1969 (from our parents, not history books) and Operasi Lallang. It was the politics of fear that had for so long kept BN in power. What is there to say that should Anwar come into power he will maintain his promises simply because he fears he could be voted out?
He could just take a leaf from Dr M and keep Malaysians in their place the same way his mentor, the man who handpicked him for succession, had done. Strangely, despite the Hindraf 5 ISA arrests and the closing of a newspaper that printed the Danish cartoons, the man-in-the-street today under the Abdullah administration is less afraid than he was pre-2004.
Promises are easy to make, as we have seen in
On Dr M restless in retirement
Dann-munti: Did Dr M really mean by what he said in
By incessantly (and often unnecessarily) harping on sensitive and emotional issues, he is not going to get what he hopes for. Instead, he will remain the main culprit if any racial conflict happens to raise its dirty countenance again. Don’t forget, history will show no mercy on the obnoxious.
Ratormo: Tun Mahathir (TM) should be retitled as the Father of Destruction (of
TM’s idea of modernising the country was to throw money at it. With full control of the national coffers (and Petronas’ purse), anyone could have built the largest this and the tallest that but only a true leader, a man of dignity and honour will develop human capital (and this is
HSW: Dear Tun, for the sake of all Malaysians, please stop your attacks on Pak Lah. You have done your 'national service' so it is time for you to retire in peace. Let the future generations think fondly of what you have achieved.
On Cheras saga continues - toll operator vows to rebuild wall
Fed-up: It has become clear as day why the police involved in the Cheras blockade took such obvious side with Grand Saga all this while. Zainal Abidin Ali, the executive director of Grand Saga, is non-other than the former police chief of Dang Wangi! My goodness! Isn’t it obvious now? I hope somebody takes action on this obvious connection.
Brian Fong: I have been wondering why the police and FRU are so quick in taking action against the residents and come out in full force with water cannons and tear gas as if there is a major riot on-going. Apparently Grand Saga's executive director Zainal Abidin Ali happens to be the former Dang Wangi police chief. Hmm...
On Batu Puteh: Malaysia was 'lackadaisical'
Ross: For a number of days I have been wondering the consequences of the ICJ decision and went further and researched and discussed the same with a number of knowledgeable people. Some of the comments coming out are nonsense but some of the following points should be considered.
1. The Middle Rocks have been handed to
2. There are definitions of what is an island and what is an outcrop and what is a ledge in relation to the boundary of the country.
3. The same also applies to the exclusive economic zones.
Broadly speaking, only an island can have an economic zone. The other two do not. It is possible, therefore, that
On Residents group ticks off Mohd Khir, don't talk rubbish
Francis T Rozario: I think the Selangor state government should hold a press conference and call for Khir Toyo's assets declaration to be made public. What good is it to make an asset declaration year after year and claim it is with the federal government, kept under lock and key? Is this a case of ornithological specimens of identical plumage invariably congregating in close proximity? The assets could accumulate like they did for one of his infamous state assembly persons and yet the government found nothing wrong with it.
I think before Khir talks anymore in the state assembly, he should cleanse himself - he should ask the federal government to make public every asset declaration form he sent in each year he was in office, or keep his mouth shut. We all suspect hat his wealth grew by leaps and bounds since he became menteri besar. He lacks public accountability and he is refusing to account for public money received and spent. What is his he hiding or who is he protecting?
The Selangor state government should report Khir Toyo to the ACA immediately, I am sure they have a case here. Although I have very little trust in the ACA, a report should be made and the report should be made public. That is the way to put pressure upon the ACA to reveal the details of the investigation.
On Koh in no hurry to meet Lim
Peter Ooi: I used to hold Koh Tsu Khoon in high esteem. I regard him as a sincere chief minister who always has a heart for
If those three issues are not pressing, I wonder what is. The alleged land scam and controversial PGGC are costing
By the same token, I wonder if the Persatuan Bunga Tanjung could not find a better option to donate their remaining funds. If it found it fit not to pass it on to the incoming members, there are plenty of non-profit organisations in
Yes, Koh Tsu Khoon, you have to explain to Lim Guan Eng all these issue if you and Gerakan truly have the
On All Malaysians have special rights
J Loong: Very well written. This article should be compulsory reading by all, especially the politicians in all parties. I hope the article can be translated into all languages, so that we can all see beyond the shortsightedness of race superiority or rights, whatever race that may be.
I believe we must provide assistance to the marginalised. If the marginalised are Malays, help them. But do not hijack that objective and turn it to schemes to make millionaires for a select few while leaving the majority of Malays still marginalised.
In any family, parents sometimes assist one or two children more than the others out of necessity. But if this assistance or favoritism is prolonged, will it ever be a happy family? Will it be the most achieving family? We can see the consequences. Can the politicians not see the consequences for
AM Sufi: To Menteri Besar Khalid Ibrahim, I read of your decision to offer financial and humanitarian support to the families of the ISA detainees. You are absolutely right in making that decision and it is also an absolutely justifiable and good use of state funds for these are Malaysians who are innocent victims of a cruel situation that is not of their making and which is totally outside and beyond their control.
While necessary to be supportive neighbours, it is not good enough for Malaysians to merely help the natural disaster victims in
I have no intention to patronise you or be condescending as I can clearly see you to be a competent man in matters of business and governance, but Khalid Ibrahim, I have to take my hat off to you as you have managed to impress me with your gesture of goodwill, kindness and insightful stewardship.
On Malaise in our public hospitals
Shan Ganeson: Ahmad Sobri's review on Malaysian cardiology gives an insight to the poor planning within Health Ministry as far as cardiology is concerned. His comment: ‘The heart unit at the UH today is more renowned for fistfights and slapping incidents with no trainees forthcoming. While heart units around the world progressed by leaps and bounds, the UH unit stagnated and, in fact, regressed. The country’s pioneer unit fell victim to medical politics and to the tantrums of the remaining surgeon’.
If true, then the Education/Health ministries must investigate and resolve issues. What are the mortality/morbidity statistics of by-pass/angioplasty procedures in UH compared with IJN or other heart centres? Does anyone review the performance of these institutions? What groundwork has been laid down for human resource training? If the lone surgeon is underperforming, show him the exit. If he has - despite constraints - done well, then lend him the support to let UH regain its glory.
On Why can't we use the word 'Allah'?
Kenef1: I am not Malaysian but I am a Muslim. To go back to the subject matter, Allah is not a word or term; Allah is the name of the Muslims’ God or Tuhan. In addition, Islam does not recognise other peoples’ beliefs as religions but as a sort of belief. In the same token, Islam does not recognise other peoples’ gods. However, Islam respects other peoples’ beliefs and their so-called their gods. If their gods have names, then we call them according to their name. We can’t call the Muslims’’s God using the name of the non-Muslims’ god. The non-Muslims also can’t call and name their gods with the Islamic name, ie, ‘Allah’. Finally, Islam’s God is the one who named Himself ‘Allah’.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Ada Orang Kecewa Bila Ahmad Yaacob Jadi Pemangku MB
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Ezam to rejoin Umno
Exclusive: By JOCELINE TAN
PETALING JAYA: Former PKR Youth leader Ezam Mohd Nor will be rejoining Umno after receiving the green light from the top Umno leadership.
He will also cease to head the anti-corruption NGO, Gerak, from June 1 in preparation for his return to Umno. Mohd Nazree Yunus has been named to take over as chairman of Gerak.
Sources said he has met both the Umno president as well as deputy president for discussions in connection with his move.
His return to Umno is expected to be announced soon and will be seen as a blow to PKR.
Ezam, 40, was a rising star in Umno when he chose to follow Datuk Seri Anwar Irahim out of Umno after the latter’s sacking in 1998.
He was then Anwar’s political secretary and had also gone to jail under the ISA and OSA.
He resigned from PKR last year after an internal power struggle with PKR vice-president Azmin Ali. At the time of his resignation, he criticised Anwar for his “dictatorial politics” and accused Azmin of being “a schemer who dominates Anwar.”
Ezam has since concentrated on Gerak which is aimed at promoting a corruption-free culture, free media and independent judiciary.
There is some speculation about his future role in Umno including the possibility of appointing him a Senator. But the source said that he was content to be an ordinary member for a start.
Sources said the timing for his rejoining Umno could not be better given the Government’s initiative to strengthen judicial independence and the anti-corruption legislation.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Anwar Ibrahim
Dato' Seri Anwar bin Ibrahim (born August 10, 1947) is a former deputy prime minister and finance minister of Malaysia. Early in his career, he became a protégé of the former prime minister of Malaysia, Mahathir bin Mohamad, but subsequently emerged as the most prominent critic of Mahathir's administration.
In 1999, he was sentenced in a highly controversial trial to six years in prison for corruption, and in 2000, to another nine years for alleged homosexual acts. However, in 2004, Malaysia's highest court, the Federal Court reversed the second conviction and he was released.
Anwar is the only Malaysian to ever make it into Time magazine's 100 most influential people in the world[1]. He is also one of the signatories of A Common Word Between Us and You, an open letter by Islamic scholars to Christian leaders, calling for peace and understanding.
Early years
Anwar was born in Cherok Tok Kun, a village on the mainland side of the northern Malaysian state of Penang, to a hospital porter, Ibrahim Abdul Rahman (later to join politics and retire as Parliamentary Secretary in the Ministry of Health) and Che Yan, a housewife (and later UMNO politician). He was educated at University of Malaya, where he read Malay Studies. Prior to that, he took his secondary education at the Malay College Kuala Kangsar.
From 1968 to 1971, as a student, Anwar was the president of a Muslim students organisation, Persatuan Kebangsaan Pelajar Islam Malaysia (PKPIM). He was one of the protem committee of Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia (ABIM) or Muslim Youth Movement of Malaysia which was founded in 1971. He was also elected President of the Malaysian Youth Council or Majlis Belia Malaysia (MBM). In 1974, Anwar was arrested during student protests against rural poverty and hunger. He was imprisoned under the Internal Security Act, which allows for detention without trial, and spent twenty months in the Kamunting Detention Center for political prisoners.
Groomed for leadership
In 1968-1971, he was first groomed in the National Union of Malaysian Muslim Students (Persatuan Kebangsaan Pelajar Islam Malaysia, PKPIM) as the president of the Union. He was very well known as one of the most prominent student movement leaders. In 1982, Anwar, who was the founding leader and second president of a youth Islamic organisation called Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia (ABIM), shocked his liberal supporters by joining the United Malays National Organisation (UMNO), led by Mahathir bin Mohamad, who became prime minister in 1981. He moved up the political ranks quickly: his first ministerial office was that of Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports in 1983; after that, he headed the agriculture ministry in 1984 before becoming Minister of Education in 1986. By then, speculation was rife about Anwar's ascent to the Deputy Prime Minister's position as it was a commonly-occurring phenomenon in Malaysia for the Education Minister to assume the position of Deputy PM in the near future.
During his tenure as Education Minister, Anwar introduced numerous pro-Malay policies in the national school curriculum. One of the major changes that he did was to rename the national language from Bahasa Malaysia to Bahasa Melayu. Non-Malays criticized this move as it would cause the younger generation to be detached from the national language, since they would attribute it to being something that belongs to the Malays and not to Malaysians.
In 1991 Anwar was appointed Minister of Finance. In 1993, he became Mahathir's Deputy Prime Minister after winning the Deputy Presidency of UMNO against Ghafar Baba. Anwar was being groomed to succeed Mahathir as prime minister, and frequently alluded in public to his "son-father" relationship with Mahathir; in early 1997, Mahathir appointed Anwar to be acting Prime Minister while he took a two-month holiday. Towards the end of the 1990s, however, their relationship began to deteriorate, triggered by their conflicting views on governance. In Mahathir's absence, Anwar had taken steps to improve the country's governing mechanisms which were in direct conflict with Mahathir's protectionist policies. Issues such as how Malaysia would respond to a financial crisis were often at the forefront of this conflict.
Anwar's frontal attack against what he described as the widespread culture of nepotism and cronyism within UMNO (and the ruling coalition as a whole) angered Mahathir, as did his attempts to dismantle the protectionist policies that Mahathir had set up. "Cronyism" was identified by Anwar as a major cause of corruption and misappropriation of funds in the country. Mahathir retaliated by isolating Anwar within UMNO. The events of late-1998 marked the beginning of Anwar's descent within UMNO and his subsequent ouster from the party and from Malaysian politics.
Financial crisis
During the Asian financial crisis in 1997 Anwar, in his capacity as finance minister, supported the International Monetary Fund (IMF) plan for recovery, which meant a restructuring of the economy involving opening up to greater foreign investment and competition. He also instituted an austerity package that slashed government spending by 18%, cut ministerial salaries and deferred major investment projects. Large-scale infrastructure development projects known as "mega projects" were set back as well, despite being a cornerstone of Mahathir's plans for developing the nation. These measures aroused bitter opposition from Mahathir.
Although many Malaysian companies faced the threat of bankruptcy, Anwar declared: "There is no question of any bailout. The banks will be allowed to protect themselves and the government will not interfere." Anwar advocated a free market approach, sympathetic to foreign investment and trade liberalisation, whereas Mahathir favored currency and foreign investment controls, blaming unchecked speculation by currency speculators like George Soros for the shrinking economy.[citation needed] There is disagreement among economists whether Anwar's policies would have been more or less successful than Mahathir's; however, most denounced Mahathir's hypothesis that George Soros was to blame. Economists proposed currency controls before the Malaysian currency, the ringgit, slid further, but their advice was not taken.[citation needed] By the time Mahathir decided to impose currency controls and preventive measures to keep hedge funds in check, the Malaysian economy had plummeted to its lowest level yet since the recession of the early-1980s.
In 1998 Newsweek magazine named Anwar the "Asian of the Year." However, in that year, matters between Anwar and Mahathir came to a head around the time of the quadrennial UMNO General Assembly. The Youth wing of UMNO, headed by Anwar's associate, Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, gave notice that it would initiate a debate on "cronyism and nepotism". The response was swift, as Mahathir issued lists of cronies who had benefited from government share allocations and privatisations. To the chagrin of Anwar and his allies, several of them were on the list, including Anwar and Zahid.
Anwar continued his assault on what he called the rampant corruption within Mahathir's administration, by attempting to impose transparent audits on major conglomerates and business empires, which, he alleged, had been overcharging for government projects and evading taxes. One of the potential victims would have been Mahathir's son, Mirzan Mahathir, who was a director in almost 100 private and Government-linked companies. Conglomerates that were closely linked to the government, such as Renong, would have been adversely affected as well.
At the UMNO General Assembly, a book, 50 Dalil Kenapa Anwar Tidak Boleh Jadi PM ("50 Reasons Why Anwar Cannot Become Prime Minister") was circulated containing graphic sexual allegations as well as accusations of corruption against Anwar. This book carried the byline Khalid Jafri, an ex-editor of the government-controlled newspaper Utusan Malaysia and former editor-in-chief of a failed magazine, Harian National. Anwar obtained a court injunction to prevent further distribution of the book and filed a defamation action against the author. In August, police charged the author of the book with malicious publishing of false news. In September, the judge who had banned the book's distribution was transferred to a lower court despite being a senior judge, further raising concerns among the public about the independence of the judiciary.
Among the allegations in the book was that Anwar is a homosexual and that he is a serial adulterer. Many regarded the book as an outright fabrication but in a surprising turn of events, rather than investigating the author for libelous writing, the police were instructed to investigate instead the veracity of the claims. Consequently, Anwar was labeled by the government-controlled media as a womanizer and a homosexual even before any investigation had taken place to determine the truthfulness of the book's contents. The author died in 2005 of diabetic complications but not before the High Court found that the author had libeled Anwar Ibrahim in publishing the "50 Reasons" book and awarded Anwar Ibrahim millions of ringgit in compensation.
Recently, the former deputy President of Anwar's political party, Dr. Chandra Muzaffar, lambasted Anwar for his close ties to Paul Wolfowitz, a staunch Zionist and chief architect of the war in Iraq. In an interview on the BBC Hardtalk program after his release from prison, Anwar admitted to his friendship with Paul Wolfowitz, the former US deputy Secretary of Defence and former World Bank President. This allegation has strong repercussions in Muslim majority Malaysia[citation needed] which has no diplomatic ties with Israel. Most Malaysians also agree with the statement by former Malaysian Prime Minister[who?], Dr. Mahathir, that the "war on terror" is actually a "war on Islam".[2]
Trial and conviction
Anwar was fired from the Cabinet in September, amid police reports that he was under investigation. The following day, he was expelled from UMNO. Dr Munawar Anees, Anwar's former speechwriter, and Sukma Darmawan Sasmita Atmadja, Anwar's adoptive brother, were arrested under suspicion of engaging in homosexual acts. Five days later, they were given a jail sentence of six months after pleading guilty to "unnatural sex" with Anwar. They later recanted their confessions, and appealed the sentence, claiming to have been coerced into entering a plea of "guilty". Anees made a statutory declaration of how they were coerced into making a guilty plea[3]. Two of Anwar's secretaries, Ezam Mohamad and Mohamad Azmin Ali, were both held separately as part of police investigations into the "50 reasons" book. Both were later released.
A few days later Anwar addressed a protest gathering of nearly 100,000 people in Kuala Lumpur, after which a number of his supporters marched to Mahathir's then official residence demanding reformasi (economic and political reforms) and Mahathir's resignation. This march, a rare event in Malaysia, caused concern in the government. That night, Anwar's home was raided by a masked and armed SWAT team from the Royal Malaysian Police. His arrest was announced several hours later, as were those of several of Anwar's supporters, although most of them were later released.
Charges of corruption and sodomy
On September 29, 1998 Anwar appeared in court and pleaded innocent to charges of corruption and sodomy. A photo of Anwar with black eye (which he gained from a beating, while handcuffed and blindfolded, by then Inspector General of Police Rahim Noor) and one hand raised became a symbol of the political opposition in many reformasi posters.
The black eye was explained by Mahathir Mohamad and Rahim Noor as being "self-inflicted" and caused by "pressing a glass over his eyes". Only after a Royal Commission was convened did Rahim Noor admit that he had administered the beating to Anwar. Both Anwar and Rahim Noor have denied the allegations that Anwar was sodomised in prison to "plant" the forensics evidence of anal sex in Anwar.
During the trial, a mattress was presented to court, supposedly stained with Anwar's semen. This was submitted as DNA evidence of Anwar's sexual acts. However, Anwar denied having anything to do with the mattress although the DNA tests came out positive. The defense team alleged that Anwar was masturbated while unconscious. Dr Lim Kong Boon, a doctor during the trial [4], testified that it is possible to massage the prostrate gland through the anus in order to stimulate ejaculation in an unconscious victim. The defense council presented this as evidence for police sexual abuse to obtain false forensics evidence to frame Anwar.
Anwar was also accused of corruption relating to the police investigation into and arrest of the author of the "50 Reasons" book. He was also accused of sodomy with his wife's chauffeur, Azizan Abu Bakar. Judge Augustine Paul wrote 320 page judgment in the Anwar Ibrahim case, the longest judgment in the country ever. [5] In that judgment, he explains meticulously point by point each and every piece of evidence involved and the rulings he made.
During the trial, Mahathir appeared on Malaysian television in a special appearance to explain the arrest of his deputy. This was one of several occasions in which Mahathir declared Anwar guilty of sodomy and homosexual acts, even as the trial still was underway. The government included the statements of the purported victims of Anwar's sodomy attacks, evidence that was widely considered to be tainted.[citation needed] Furthermore, the prosecution was unable to accurately decide on a date that the alleged acts of anal sex had occurred - the government originally alleged that a sodomy had occurred inside a building that had not been constructed at the time of the alleged event. Furthermore, the Attorney General's prosecution team (headed by Abdul Gani Patail) also submitted a scenario in which Dr Munawar Anees took an overnight flight from Britain all the way to Malaysia to be sodomized by Anwar, and flew back to Britain after that. The infamous "stained mattress" that was taken in and out of court over 20 times throughout the duration of the trial, was supposedly the same one that Anwar did his homosexual acts and extramarital sex on. However, according to the evidence, the sexual acts had taken place on the mattress a few years ago, and yet the DNA evidence obtained from it were rather recent in age.[note that DNA forensic dating is an inaccurate science].An NBC's interview revealed that Anwar finally admit he was the one who slept his adopt brother and convince him to do that.The tape was released on 16 October 2000.
On April 14, 1999, Anwar was sentenced to six years in prison for corruption and, on August 8, 2000, nine years in prison for sodomy. The sentences were to be served consecutively, and Anwar was given no credit for the six months he spent in jail during the trial. The following year, Anwar's corruption conviction was upheld by Malaysia's Court of Appeal. In July 2002, Anwar lost his final appeal against the corruption conviction in the Federal Court.
In a speech during the proceedings against him, Anwar explained what he believed to be the underlying motive behind his persecution. He told the court: "I objected to the use of massive public funds to rescue the failed businesses of his (Mahathir's) children and cronies." Both Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch expressed doubts about the fairness of the trials. [6] [7]. Amnesty International subsequently designated Anwar as a prisoner of conscience. The trial also provoked international criticism. US vice president Al Gore denounced the sodomy trial of Anwar as a "mockery", but Mahathir rejected all such international criticism as "foreign interference." [8]
Anwar's wife, Wan Azizah Ismail, subsequently formed Parti Keadilan Rakyat (the People's Justice Party), which based its platform on campaigning for Anwar's release and reformasi. At the following general election, the People's Justice Party performed poorly in the election, only retaining a single parliamentary seat, Anwar's old parliamentary seat of Permatang Pauh, which was won by his wife.
Release from prison
On September 2, 2004, a panel of three judges of the Federal Court (Malaysia's highest court) overturned the sodomy conviction by 2 to 1, finding contradictions in the prosecution's case. However, the judges noted "We find evidence to confirm that the appellants were involved in homosexual activities and we are more inclined to believe that the alleged incident at Tivoli Villa did happen."
Anwar completed his term for corruption after his sentence was being reduced for good behaviour. Although the point was by now moot, an appeal on the corruption charges was heard on September 6, 2004. Under Malaysian law a person is banned from political activities for five years after the end of his sentence. Success in this appeal would allow him an immediate return to politics. On September 7, the court agreed to hear Anwar's appeal. However, on September 15, the of Court of Appeal ruled unanimously that its previous decision to uphold a High Court ruling that found Anwar guilty was in order, relegating Anwar to the sidelines of Malaysian politics until 14 April 2008. The only way out for Anwar would be for him to receive a pardon from the Yang di-Pertuan Agong.
At the time of his release from prison, Anwar was reportedly suffering from serious back problems, which his family said was the result of the beating by the ex-police chief. However, the UMNO-owned newspaper, the New Straits Times, alleged that the injuries had actually been caused by a fall from a horse in 1993 during Anwar's tenure as deputy prime minister. His wife had argued during his imprisonment that he required treatment for his condition at a clinic in Germany. The government refused, claiming that such treatment was readily available in Malaysia, offering medical treatment if necessary. However, in September 2004, after the Federal Court quashed his conviction for sodomy, Anwar was free to travel to Munich for back surgery.
Since his release from prison Anwar has held a teaching positions at St. Antony's College, Oxford, where he was a Visiting fellow and Senior associate member and at Johns Hopkins School of Advance International Studies in Washington DC as a Distinguished Senior Visiting Fellow. He is currently a Distinguished Visiting Professor in the School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University. In March 2006 he was appointed as Honorary President of the London based organization Accountability (AccountAbility).
In July 2006, Anwar was elected Chair of the Washington-based Foundation for the Future [9]. In this capacity, he signed the October 1, 2006 letter to Robin Cleveland of the World Bank, requesting the transfer of the secondment of Shaha Riza from the US Department of State to the Foundation for the Future [10].
Political future
In November 2006, Anwar announced he planned to run for Parliament in 2008, after his disqualification expired. Anwar has been critical of government policies since his release from prison, most notably of the controversial New Economic Policy (NEP), which provides affirmative action for the Malays. The policy sets a number of quotas, such as for units of housing and initial public offerings, that must be met.[11]
He is also the Advisor of Parti Keadilan Rakyat, the party of which his wife Dr. Wan Azizah is president. He was in the forefront in organising a November 2007 mass rally, called the 2007 Bersih Rally, which took place in the Dataran Merdeka Kuala Lumpur to demand clean and fair elections. The gathering was organised by BERSIH, a coalition comprising political parties and civil society groups, and drew supporters from all over the country.
The 2008 election date, however, was set for 8 March 2008, sparking criticisms that Barisan Nasional called for early elections in a bid to deny Anwar's plans for a return to Parliament. In response, Anwar's wife, Wan Azizah Wan Ismail, declared that she would step down should she retain her Permatang Pauh parliamentary seat to force a by-election in which Anwar himself will contest[12].
When asked about the possibility of Anwar becoming the next Prime Minister, former leader Tun Dr. Mahathir has reacted by saying rather sarcastically, "He would make a good Prime Minister of Israel".[13]
On 14 April 2008, Anwar celebrated his official return to the political stage, as his ban from public office expires a decade after he was sacked as deputy prime minister. One of the main reasons the opposition seized a third of parliamentary seats and five states in the worst ever showing for the Barisan Nasional coalition that has ruled for half a century, was due to him leading at the helm.[14] A gathering of more than 10,000 supporters greeted Anwar in a rally welcoming back his return to politics. In the midst of the rally, police interrupted Anwar after he had addressed the rally for nearly two hours and called him to stop the gathering since there is no legal permission of the rally.[15]
On April 29, 2008, and after 10 years of absence, Anwar Ibrahim returned to the Parliament, albeit upon invitation as a spouse guest of Wan Azizah Wan Ismail, People's Justice Party and the first female opposition leader in Malaysian Parliament's history.[16]