Monday, September 15, 2008



1. Saya telah membaca dengan teliti pandangan Pesuruhjaya PAS Terengganu yang kali ini lebih gemar menggunakan nama beliau sebagai pengamal dan penganalisis politik daripada bertindak sebagai seorang Pesuruhjaya PAS Negeri. Walaupun sewaktu beliau berdiri sebagai penganalisis politik dalam mana-mana waktu sekalipun, pada saya, beliau tetaplah Pesuruhjaya PAS Negeri Terengganu. Baik dalam keadaan berdiri, duduk, atau berbaring, Mustafa bin Ali adalah seorang Pesuruhjaya PAS.

2. Dengan demikian, mahu tidak mahu pandangan beliau itu tetap mencerminkan pandangan PAS Terengganu. Lebih mendukacitakan lagi ialah apabila pandangan beliau ini bersifat anti keputusan Muktamar. Sekaligus, ia menentang arus Syura yang memutuskan untuk mengukuhkan Pakatan Rakyat dan tidak sebaliknya seperti yang sedang dilakukan oleh Mustafa Ali. Dalam respons dan setiap ayat yang digunakan, saya tidak nampak sikap Mustafa yang boleh mengukuhkan Pakatan Rakyat seperti yang diputuskanoleh Muktamar secara “standing ovation”.

3. Sepatutnya tugas pemimpin termasuk Pesuruhjaya ialah mendukung dan mengukuhkan keputusan Muktamar. Sifat rajin mengeluarkan kenyataan walaupun tidak disuruh adalah sesuatu yang aneh dan menghairankan. Lebih-lebih lagilah ia mencanggahi keputusan Muktamar. Sepatutnya ceramah atau temuramah bersifat lanjutan kepada keputusan Muktamar.

4. Saya membuat perbandingan antara kenyataan Mustafa di muka surat 1 dan 3 Utusan Malaysia, 11 September 2008 dengan kenyataan Dato’ Johari Baharom, Timbalan Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri sendiri termasuk kenyataan PM sendiri dalam Berita Harian pada hari yang sama. Mesejnya sama iaitu tidak ada apa yang akan berlaku pada 16 September 2008 iaitu “tidak mungkin ada undi tidak percaya kerana Parlimen tidak bersidang.” Sentimen Mustafa yang “terus terang tidak yakin adanya bilangan sebanyak 30 orang yang akan melompat parti” betul-betul serupa dengan nada Presiden Umno. Betul-betul serupa.

5. Lidah Mustafa boleh dikatakan sudah menjadi lidah Umno. Kita kena faham bahawa lidah ini adalah jurubahasa kepada hati. Jika begitu keadaannya apa yang ada dalam hati, maka lebih baik terang-terang sokong Umno. Hujah untuk “meredakan keresahan rakyat” yang digunakan oleh Mustafa tidak tepat. Apa yang tepat ialah kita kena tanya rakyat resah kerana apa? Jawabnya, rakyat resah kerana pimpinan di bawah Umno selama ini telah menimbulkan seribu satu macam keresahan. Usaha Pakatan Rakyat yang sama-sama sedang didukung oleh PAS, PKR dan DAP ini adalah usaha untuk memulihkan keresahan rakyat. Pemulihan dan keyakinan akan berlaku apabila Pakatan Rakyat menguasai di peringkat Pusat. “Cross over” kepada Pakatan Rakyat yang menuju ke arah peralihan kuasa sama ada 16, 17, 18, 19 atau 20 September 2008 hendaklah menjadi agenda setiap orang : agenda setiap Pesuruhjaya PAS Negeri termasuklah Mustafa bin Ali. Inilah semangat Muktamar yang telah kita sama-sama putuskan secara sebulat suara. “Standing ovation” itu adalah sebulat suaralah tu. Keputusan Muktamar ini, bukan kerja main-main.

6. Apa tujuan kita adakan kursus, seminar, ceramah, tamrin, usrah, doa, sembahyang hajat, munajat, pagi, petang, siang dan malam kalau tidak kerana untuk menumbangkan sebuah pemerintahan yang tidak cenderung kepada Islam. Jika Umno hendakkan Islam, sudah lama dia laksanakan Islam.

7. Saya tidak fahamlah bila Mustafa menyebut bahawa dia bercakap secara bebas dan pendirian beliau bertaraf peribadi; bukan atas kapasiti seorang pemimpin PAS. Pada saya, beliau adalah Pesuruhjaya PAS Terengganu. Dalam Islam, seseorang itu hanya boleh mempunyai satu sahsiah saja. Sesiapa yang cuba bermain-main dengan dua atau lebih rupa sahsiah, tidak layak menjadi pemimpin gerakan Islam. Sebab itu, Islam selalu menekankan soal tauhid, yakni penyatuan segala perkara di atas satu dan menuju kepada satu. Dalam PAS, tidak ada dua wajah sahsiah. Jika ada juga, maka ia sesuai untuk mewakili Umno.

8. Jika Dr. Mahathir pernah berkata bahawa ia tersalah pilih Perdana Menteri maka dalam konteks ini boleh jadilah Terengganu sudah tersalah pilih seorang Pesuruhjaya. Dalam akhir ayat Mustafa Ali, ada juga saya terbaca beliau menyifatkan isu ini timbul disebabkan keghairahan satu pihak untuk mengambil alih kerajaan. Di sini, saya cukup tidak fahamlah. Seolah-olah pada Mustafa, adalah satu kesalahan apabila kita ghairah nak gantikan kerajaan secara demokrasi. Sejak bila pula Mustafa jadi begini? Kita kena faham bahawa isu menghuruharakan ini timbul kerana sejak 50 tahun Umno memimpin negara, rakyat tidak dipimpin dengan jelas dan betul dari segi Islam atau demokrasi. Keadilan tidak diberi kepada orang-orang Melayu, Cina, India, Siam atau Kadazan. Ini yang kita ghairah untuk menggantikan kerajaan. Kita bawa Islam kerana Islam itu adil. Islam itu untuk keamanan dan kesejahteraan seluruh kaum yang bermastautin di Malaysia. Apabila nampak bahawa Kerajaan BN/Umno sudah panik dan resah sehingga terpaksa melarikan 50 Wakil Rakyat, maka pada saya, ini adalah petanda kejayaan. Tak tahu lah pula saya kenapa Mustafa Ali terpaksa bersusah payah untuk menjelaskan situasi sebenar demi meredakan. Meredakan hati siapa? Hati pemimpin Umno?

9. Dalam keadaan beginilah hati saya cepat-cepat teringat tentang HARAKAH. Saya tak dapat bayangkan bagaimana HARAKAH boleh memainkan peranan sebagai lidah rasmi parti dan organ parti, apabila orang nombor satu yang merupakan Pesuruhjaya PAS Terengganu ini telah mengambil sikap membelakangi keputusan Muktamar. Saya percaya, ini sedikit sebanyak akan mempengaruhi pojok, cerita, berita dan analisis yang dibuat. Dengan dibenarkan penerbitan dua kali seminggu maka lebih cepat lagilah ia boleh merosakkan imej HARAKAH. Pada logiknya, pembaca HARAKAH akan berkurangan. Saya fikir suatu keputusan perlu dibuat mengenai perkara ini.

10. Saya sebenarnya masih mahu mengambil sikap bertangguh dari terlalu cepat mengemukakan respons. Dengan begitu, saya akan cuba ikuti lagi apa rentak yang akan dibawa oleh pemimpin seperti Mustafa Ali. Saya percaya, mungkin ada satu atau dua orang lagi yang bersama dengan beliau. Selaku orang tua dalam parti, saya telah mengikuti orang penting dan orang yang tidak penting keluar masuk ke dalam parti. Bahkan Allahyarham Dato’ Haji Asri Muda sekalipun pernah meninggalkan Parti PAS. Pada waktu itu beliau adalah di kerusi Presiden. Beliau akhirnya masuk Umno dan semua orang tahu bagaimana beliau mengakhiri karier politiknya.

Bertarikh : 11 Ramadhan 1429
11 September 2008.

'My 18 hours under the ISA'


On 12 September, about eight thirty in the evening, I was at my home in Bukit Mertajam, Penang. While enjoying my yew char koay (fried dough stick), I was worried about the show cause letter issued to Sin Chew Daily, and anxious about the days ahead for my newspaper.

Suddenly, a group of plain cloth police officers appeared at my front gate. The person who started to identify the group and the purpose of this visit was a woman officer. She was also the only one in her uniform.

Through the gate, she told me that I have to follow them to the Police station, in response to that I told her that unless they have a warrant of arrest, I will not open the gate. At the same time, I immediately rung up the legal adviser of our company and my direct superior, seeking their advice.

Later, the female officer told me that they are arresting me under Internal Security Act, therefore a warrant is not required. On hearing that, I was immediately was prepared for the worst.

I have to act calm, comforting my parents and reassuring them that my colleagues would be waiting for me at the police station to render assistance. When I was taken away, my parents acted strongly, they kept on asking the police to accord me with proper treatment.

I was brought to Seberang Perai Tengah IPD (district head office), and I was placed in a chilling cold room while waiting for the police to begin their paperwork. I was accompanied by a female officer who seemed to be trembling as a result of the low room temperature as well. To break the silence, I initiated a conversation. She told me, “You seemed to be very calm.”

I told her, “I am arrested under the Internal Security Act, even though I am scared, I have to face this reality. But I am worried about my parents, friends and relatives, they must be very worried about me.”

To be frank, I was very cool-headed. I believed that there must be a lot of people out there supporting me, giving me the strength that I need, so I must stay strong, to be with these people who are supporting me.

The police recorded all my personal belongings, these were later taken away from me. After that, I am considered ready to be sent to the Police Contingent Headquarters in Penang. When I was brought out of the police station, I realised that a lot of my colleagues in the media, together with representative from different parties and groups were already waiting outside the Police station to show their support. Seeing this,I was deeply touched, I could no longer hold my tears.

When the police car arrived at the station’s entrance, my superior, Puah Eu Peng, our Northern Region Manager, tried to halt the car with his body, to slow the police car’s movement. He knocked at the window, to make sure that I was in the car and gestured to show me his support.

I instantly wiped off my tears, I realised that a lot of them are staying with me, I must be with them as well.

After taking my thumbprints, I was given my dinner and arranged to spend my night in remand. It was not to my knowledge that my colleagues in the profession and people from different groups and parties were there to show their support, right outside that station.

I requested the female officer to keep the lights on. She told me not to worry, she will not switch off the lights. The police also informed me that I would be meeting my parents tomorrow morning at eight. I have spent a very long time, thinking of everything that I have to tell my parents. I have lost touch with the outside world this is my only opportunity, I must cherish it, to clearly explain everything to my parents.

After clearing my mind and organising my thoughts, I tried to sleep while lying on the wooden bed with the company of the mosquitoes and the noise of water dripping. I have no idea what tomorrow holds for me, but I know I have to be in my perfect condition to handle everything.

I have never suffered from insomnia and this very night, I finally experienced it. Deep down in my heart, I know that those who care about me, would also be experiencing the same, my heart wrenched thinking of that.

At 6 o’clock in the next morning, when I was about to wash up, the female officer passed me the clothing brought by my parents. I was surprised; everything was new, the toiletries, t-shirts, shorts, panties.

I later discovered that the ‘parents’ that the police officer was referring to were a bunch of my colleagues. While waiting outside the Penang Police Contingent Headquarter, they have prepared all these for me. They were uncertain when I would be released, but they told themselves that they must get these necessity items ready in the briefest time possible.

I met my parents and bided them goodbye, the police informed me that they would bring me to the Police Headquarter in Bukit Aman in Kuala Lumpur. My heart sank, I told myself this is the beginning of it, I must brace myself for everything.

After few turns of event, I was eventually brought to the Perak Police Headquarter in Ipoh. After a brief interrogation session, I was brought back to Penang Police Headquarter again.

It was here, where I was interrogated further. I told myself to keep my mind clear, I must tell them the truth, and respond appropriately.

After the interrogation session, I was brought to see another higher-ranked officer, he told me, “We can both go home now!”. Both of us turned to the clock on the wall, the time was 2.25p.m.

This my 18 hours under ISA. I have gone through a lot

After being released, I received a lot of messages, telephone calls and bouquets. My colleagues in the press, representatives from political parties, society leaders, schoolmates, classmates, friends and relatives have visited me at home. Of course, not forgetting the readers and the public who called up or visited Sin Chew Daily’s office in Penang or the Head Office in Petaling Jaya.

Calls, messages, well wishes, and visits from readers and friends. To all of them, I have to express my deepest gratitude. During that 18 hours which was filled with a lot of uncertainties, I felt that there is some unknown strength that has supported me throughout, I knew it must be from you all, those whom I knew or have not met!

I realise that our journey is still full with challenges and obstacles, so we have to continue the same righteous spirit and courage that we have all shown this time! Our society needs this spirit, to build a better tomorrow.

I have finally been freed, but I hope Teresa Kok and Raja Petra Kamaruddin and all those detainees under the Internal Security Act, could be released as soon as as possible. If the authorities think that they have broken the law, they should brought to the court of law to receive transparent and fair trials.

This article is reproduced here, with permission, from